They are plywoods with uncoated, load bearing properties. They are produced from softwood trees from forest products.Turkey has a large quantities and thus economic prices. Spruce plywood in Europe and Douglas pine in North America are among the examples. Appearance qualities are insignificant and low.
It is preferable that the inner adhesives are phenol resin, water resistant. General usage areas in the buildings, flooring (parquet, carpet, tile, shingle, exterior cladding, etc.) in wooden & steel carcass structures (mostly 18 mm.), Walls (mostly 12 mm.), Roofs (12 & 15 mm.) and all types of load-bearing applications.
The general size is 1220/1250 x 2440/2500 mm.(4 x 8 feet). Lightness, sufficient strength, economy, machinability & workability, attachment to construction, water & moisture resistance, etc. advantages.